Thunderbird Airshow, October 2008

I attended a Thunderbird airshow with some friends in Georgia back in October of last year, and took 563 photos of F16s, F18s, small single-propeller planes, and C130s. I don't know the names of the single-propeller planes, nor do I remember which ones were F16s or F18s. I had a lot of fun shooting these...I had to hold my mouth just right to get a decent photo. :)

Two C-130's

F-16, F-18 and single-propeller plane

Single-propeller plane

Finally the Thunderbirds are next in the air

Pilots marching to their stations...


...and finally airborne

It's easier than it looks, let me just say that. ;)

"Bomb Burst"

This part was INCREDIBLY loud!

U.S. Army 'booth'


1 Remarks:

Lady Jess said...

Cool! I attended an air show just this last year, it was my first, and it was AMAZING! They flew right over our heads! Looks like you had fun.

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